Corporate Governance

Towards both the public and financial markets, Arbonia is aiming for an open information policy on the basis of the listing rules and regulations of SIX Exchange Regulation as well as the the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance.

Information on the Annual General Meeting Corporate Governance Report 2023

Articles of Association

The Arbonia is a public limited company under Swiss law with its registered headquarter in Arbon (Canton Thurgau). Arbonia AG comprises, after the sale of the Windows Division with effect on August 31, 2021, of the two Divisions Climate and Doors as well as a few central corporate functions. Operational control is exercised by the Group Management that is comprised of the CFO and the two division CEOs. Further details are available in the articles of association. The statutes form the legal framework of Arbonia AG and are approved by the General Assembly.


Arbonia has a share capital of CHF 291,787,620.60, divided into 69,473,243 fully paid registered shares with a par value of CHF 4.20 each. This remained unchanged in the unchanged in the last reporting years (2018 - 2022). Each registered share equally entitles the holder to receive dividends and corresponds to one vote at the Annual General Meeting. No preferential rights are granted and the company has not issued any participation or dividend-right certificates. 

Further information on the shares

In its Code of Conduct, the Arbonia Group is committed to environmental protection and the careful use of resources. It also sets out key social and ethical values such as commitment, responsibility, trust and cooperation. The Code of Conduct is binding for all employees. Application and implementation in daily contact with internal and external partners are integral parts of the corporate culture. To regulate the details, the Board of Directors has issued a Code of Conduct for each of the areas White Collar and Blue Collar. The Code of Conduct (Blue Collar) contains in-depth topics and regulations for production - for example on the handling of resources, occupational safety or environmental protection. It does not include specific white collar topics such as competition law.

Further rules and regulations

In addition to the Code of Conduct, which is mandatory for all employees, there are a number of other directives that apply to all employees. A non-exhaustive list of directives on the following topics can be found here:

  • Anti-corruption

  • Whistleblowing

  • Data protection

  • Acceptance of gifts
  • Sponsoring
  • Product safety and liability
  • Dealing with kick-back payments
  • Use and monitoring of Internet, e-mail and telephone
  • Protection against sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination
  • Behavior in competition
  • Insider trading and market manipulation
  • Water use
  • Treatment of waste and ressources


Supplier Code of Conduct

The Supplier Code of Conduct sets guidelines for the worldwide cooperation of Arbonia AG and its Group companies with their external partners and suppliers. The Supplier Code of Conduct contains the most important principles for the business activities of suppliers and for their dealings with human rights, working conditions, safety and health regulations, environmental protection regulations and with regard to ethically impeccable business conduct.

To Supplier Code of Conduct


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We look forward to hearing from you. 

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Arbonia AG

Amriswilerstrasse 50

9320 Arbon


+41 71 447 41 41